Clean-up and Size Selection
All clean-up and size selection products below from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences use Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead-based chemistry
- Remove contaminants (dNTPs, salts, primers, primer dimers) throughout any NGS workflows.
- Manual and automated
- High recovery of amplicons > 100 bp
- Predictable and consistent size selection
- Purify RNA and cDNA from common enzymatic reactions
- Manual and automated
- Complete removal of salts, unincorporated primers and dNTPs
- Used in RNA-Seq library preparations
- Certified RNAse-free
- A rapid, high-performance dye-terminator removal process
- Requires no centrifugation or filtration
- Performed manually or fully automated for high-throughput
- Produces sequences with longer Phred 20 read lengths and higher signal intensities
- Purify DNA fragments of the desired size for library preparation
- Tunable fragment size selection to suit specific applications
- Predictable, consistent size selection between runs and reagent lots
- Compatibility with manual and automated processing