The Illumina Innovation Roadshow & Collaborative User Group Meeting is an event organized by Illumina, a global genomics company, and PT. Pandu Biosains as the exclusive distributor of Illumina in Indonesia. This event aims to provide information and understanding about the crucial role of genomic mapping in various research and clinical applications, especially after the implementation of the SARS-CoV-2 surveillance program as an initiation of genomic approaches in health and other fields nationally and globally.

The event will feature the latest information about the Illumina brand as a global leader in genomics. Participants will be introduced to the latest technologies and innovations from Illumina that can support various research and clinical programs, including in oncology, genetic diseases, and reproductive health in general. The latest information on genomic applications in infectious disease surveillance and microbiology will also be discussed.

In addition, the event also aims to create an Infectious Disease and Microbiology community in Indonesia as a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing among experts and practitioners in the field. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and interact with experts and opinion leaders in genomics and its applications in infectious disease surveillance and pandemic preparedness.

Through this event, Illumina and PT. Pandu Biosains hope to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of genomic mapping in infectious disease surveillance, clinical applications, and other research in Indonesia. Thus, this event is expected to contribute to the advancement of genomics in Indonesia and foster collaboration among stakeholders in this field.

This event is also covered in multiple national media such as Kompas TV, Media Indonesia and Repulika, links attached below:

  1. Kompas TV, “Gunakan Teknologi Next-Generation Sequencing dan MicroArray, Illumina Dukung Inovasi Dunia Medis”, Jumat, 17 Maret 2023
  2. Media Indonesia, “Illumina Sokong Perkembangan dan Inovasi Genomik dalam Dunia Medis”, Jumat, 17 Maret 2023
  3. Republika, “Illumina Dukung Perkembangan Inovasi Genomik Dunia Medis”, Sabtu, 18 Maret 2023