Event Materials

Presentation materials from our two speakers, Riza Arief Putranto, PhD, DEA and Leo Chan, PhD below may be used only for your review. Please do not distribute or represent them without our consent.

Event Recording will be sent to each of your email directly from our partner, 10x Genomics. If you don’t find it in your email, kindly click here.

Why Do We Need to Sequence? by Riza Arief Putranto, PhD, DEA

Add New Dimensions to Your Understanding of Biology with Single Cell Solutions by Leo Chan, PhD


E-certificate(s) belong to anyone who attended Single-Cell Technology: The Advanced Level of Next Generation Sequencing webinar on April 28th 2021. Please only download yours. If you attended the event but you can not find your e-certificate, or if your name is written incorrectly, please kindly contact: marketing@biosains.com