Event Materials

Speaker Materials

Presentation materials from our three speakers, Dr. dr. Ramadhan, Sp.B(K) Onk; Dr. dr. Demak Lumban Tobing, Sp.PK(K); Joel Geoghegan (Illumina); below may be used only for your review. Please do not distribute or represent them without our consent.Dr. dr. Ramadhan, Sp.B(K) Onk: The Urgency of Breast Cancer Detection (Surgical Oncologist Perspective)Dr. dr. Demak Lumban Tobing, Sp.PK(K): Next-Generation Sequencing for Breast Cancer Application in Laboratory MedicineJoel Geoghegan: How Next-Generation Sequencing Promotes Breast Cancer Early Detection

Q&A Session

The questions that have been asked but not yet answered on the Webinar Main Session, below are the attached links to a Google Docs file where you can find all the answers to the questions asked. If there are still questions that’s not answered yet, kindly check the Google Docs file daily for the updated answers from our speakers.

Q&A Session Breast Cancer Webinar

Event Recording

For the Zoom Webinar recording can be viewed again through PDS PatKLIn Jakarta’s Youtube Channel.

How Next-Generation Sequencing Promotes Breast Cancer Early Detection Webinar


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