Total Nucleid Acid

FormaPure XL Total
Extract DNA and RNA from FFPE tissue sample using SPRI paramagnetic bead-based chemistry on simple workflow with minimal hands-on-time.
- Scalable, single-chemistry system compatible with manual and automated processing to accommodate sample input variation
- High performance with a variety of sample and tissue types
- Demonstrated performance with 7x 10 μM curls
DNA Extraction
All DNA extraction products below from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences use Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead-based chemistry

GenFind V3
- Extraction and purification of genomic DNA (gDNA) from whole blood sample
- No carryover of inhibitors from anticoagulants, for exceptional PCR-based applications and NGS

Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency Isolation Kit
- Extraction of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from plasma, serum, and urine sample
- Up to 5 mL of liquid input, for NGS and PCR-based assays

FormaPure XL DNA
- Extraction of DNA from FFPE tissues.
- Performance demonstrated with a variety of sample and tissue types
- Demonstrated performance with 7x 10 μM curls

- Purification for any plasmid purification needs with single protocol
- Perform manually or automated in a 96-well format for high-throughput sample

- Extraction and purification for genomic DNA (gDNA) from mammalian tissue samples.
- Compatible with PCR, qPCR, SNP genotyping, NGS, more
- Manual and automated
- Process three 96-well plates in ~1 hour using automation
DNA Extraction
All RNA extraction products below from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences use Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead-based chemistry

RNAdvance Blood
- Extract high-quality RNA from blood collected in PAXgene and other RNA-preservation tubes.
- Produces high-integrity RNA for NGS and other PCR applications
- Manual or automated

RNAdvance Viral
- Extract high-quality RNA from Saliva or Swab Transport Media samples with LoD at 1 copy/uL
- Produces high-integrity viral RNA for use with PCR applications
- Automation-ready
- RNAdvance Viral XP : Diagnostic

RNAdvance Cell v2
- Extract RNA from cells without needs of filtration/centrifugation.
- Produces high-integrity RNA for NGS and other PCR-based applications
- Suitable for manual or automated processing

RNAdvance Tissue
- Extract RNA from a wide variety of tissues without the waste-removal hazards of organic solvents.
- Produces high recovery of total RNA from soft, fibrous and lipid-rich tissues
- Automation-friendly

FormaPure XL RNA
- Extract RNA from FFPE tissue samples with 7x 10 μM curls
- Isolate RNA with the best possible integrity—even from 10+-year-old tissue blocks
- Performance demonstrated with a variety of sample and tissue types