
Dalam kondisi di mana ada kecurigaan munculnya patogen tertentu, atau untuk surveilans terhadap beberapa patogen yang sudah diketahui dari sampel primer, metode pengayaan dengan hybrid capture adalah pilihan yang tepat. Hybridization capture menggunakan probe spesifik target untuk dengan cepat mengisolasi dan memperkaya daerah genom yang diinginkan dari sampel primer (seperti dahak, urin, air limbah, dll.) untuk sekuensing selanjutnya. Metode NGS ini tidak memerlukan isolat yang dikultur dan bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi mikroba tertentu dan mutasi AMR spesifik.



  • What it does: Culture-free whole genome characterization of the most critical viral public health threats
  • Method: Hybrid-capture enrichment
  • Recommended Sequencers: MiniSeq System, MiSeq Series, NextSeq 550 Series, NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems
  • Recommended Analysis Apps: DRAGEN Targeted Microbial App
  • What it does: Culture-free whole genome characterization of known and closely related novel coronaviruses
  • Method: Hybrid-capture enrichment
  • Recommended Sequencers: MiniSeq System, MiSeq Series, NextSeq 550 Series, NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems
  • Recommended Analysis Apps: DRAGEN Targeted Microbial App
  • What it does: Culture-free whole genome characterization of common respiratory viruses
  • Method: Hybrid-capture enrichment
  • Recommended Sequencers: MiniSeq System, MiSeq Series, NextSeq 550 Series, NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems
  • Recommended Analysis Apps: DRAGEN Targeted Microbial App
  • What it does: Culture-free identification and quantitation of organisms associated with lower respiratory tract infections
  • Method: Hybrid-capture enrichment
  • Recommended Sequencers: MiniSeq System, MiSeq Series, NextSeq 550 Series, NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems
  • Recommended Analysis Apps: Explify RPIP App
  • What it does: Culture-free identification and quantification

    of both common and underrecognized uropathogens that can cause urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections

  • Method: Hybrid-capture enrichment
  • Recommended Sequencers: MiniSeq System, MiSeq Series, NextSeq 550 Series, NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Systems
  • Recommended Analysis Apps: Explify UPIP App

Illumina Kit for Multi-Pathogen Analysis